Mahatma Gandhi Hospital has a dedicated Kidney Transplant department headed by Dr. T.C. Sadasukhi, the renowned Urologist in Rajasthan. The department is among the few kidney transplant centers of the country which provides Swap kidney transplant services. The team has performed the largest number of kidney transplant surgeries in the State.
Mahatma Gandhi Hospital has a dedicated IVF department under the leadership of world fame IVF specialist Dr. M.L. Swarankar. The team holds the Honor of being the first IVF center in the whole of North India. The team has a credit to perform the highest number of IVF processes in the country with the best success rate.
Mahatma Gandhi Hospital has a team of qualified, dedicated & experienced Joint Replacement surgeons. The team is regularly performing TKR & THR and Arthroscopy surgeries. The Hospital has a dedicated modular operation theater for the department of Orthopedics. The Success rates of TKR & THR are at par to best in the country. The Packages are very nominal and we are using the FDI approved joints and implants.
Yes, Mahatma Gandhi Hospital is listed in approved hospital for reimbursements to serving employees and pensioners. The Hospital is providing special 10% discounts on hospital services.
Mahatma Gandhi Hospital is considered among the top cardiac centers in State. The Centre is having all kind of cardiac surgery services under one roof. The Unit has world class modular OTs and CCU services. The Unit has a dedicated team of qualified and experienced team of eminent surgeons and cardiac Anesthetists. The Hospital is offering the most economic package of Rs. 98000/- for Bypass surgeries which is similar to Government rates.
MGH has a specialized Bariatric Surgery team having a large number of successfully operated patients with wonderful results. Dr. Sanjay Singhal is leading the Team. The Team is doing all kinds of Gastric bypass, Band and Sleeve surgeries at a very nominal and best price.
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